Rendiber, from Grupo Agrotecnología, helps to improve and concentrate production in blueberry crops

Tests carried out by Grupo Agrotecnología, in Huelva, reflect the effects of the application of Rendiber e Ibermar Plus about the cultivation of cranberry. The final objective of this essay, with two treatment theses, is the evaluation of three main parameters: the accumulated production, the average weight and the size of the fruits.

Rendiber is a product specifically designed to stimulate fattening and caliber in berries, uniforming the flowering. It promotes the synthesis of proteins and enzymes that activate cell division and growth, mobilizing the nutrients of the leaves, stem and root towards the fruit, acting as initiator of the process of fattening the fruit without causing the degradation of the tissues.

Currently, the blueberry is positioned as the second berry worldwide, both in production and consumption, which is why producers are trying to advance and improve the yield of crops in order to meet the growing demand and get a price. better in the market.

rendiberThe cultivated areas treated with Rendiber, Together with Ibermar Plus, have obtained a more concentrated production and of greater caliber, with an increase of the early production in more than one 60%, which is equivalent to 0,441 kg / plant. The total yield throughout the campaign is also, according to the data obtained, significantly higher in these areas of application.

The results of the trial conducted by the Agroindustrial Technology Center (Adesva), reflect that the use of Rendiber In the cultivation of bilberry, it represents a growth, in economic terms, which is around 30% and an increase in early production in more than one 60%, obtaining a yield of the total production of something more than 1 kg per plant .



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