Bolivia as a new supplier of blueberries in Europe

The consumption of blueberries has been increasing over the years, with special emphasis on the last two years, where this growth has become a trend. Taking this new consumption trend as a basis, nine years ago a project with the name Andean Blueberries emerged in Bolivia, which has as its main objective that this South American country can join its neighboring exporting countries. The highest production peak begins in September and lasts until the end of November.

andeanbueberries1"We chose blueberries because of the popularity they are having. The initiative is to use local labor and thus to have a positive impact on the community, mainly on housewives in the rural area who previously did not have an income and now they are given this opportunity"Said Larry Serrate, commercial manager of Andean Blueberries.

In Bolivia there is no history of these crops, and what began with a test has grown to an export product. "We are aware of the hard work that the production of these crops represents, but little by little we are getting results. We have made exports to England, Germany and Holland. Also, we do research work with eight varieties to see which are best suited to our climatic conditions and the palate of the consumer. The lands where we produce were subjected to different studies to have the ideal conditions. The chosen varieties adapt to our climatic conditions and are good tasting and resistant to long trips", Says the spokesperson.

andeanbueberries5The project is so well received that even European clients describe this project as "historic", because by having products from a source that previously did not even appear on "the radar", they diversify their offer for customers. "Our goal is to improve our quality and our processes, and achieve constant growth, but in a sustainable way for this community", Says Serrate.


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